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WPF basic Binding not working

Anonymous User232424-Sep-2013

I am new to WPF and I’ve been breaking my head over this for past couple of days. I am trying to set a basic binding of textbox to a string property. I followed the MS tutorial but nothing seems to be working.

Here's email class, I am trying to bind its subject property to display in a textbox

public class Email : INotifyPropertyChanged


    private string _subject;

    public string Subject


        get { return _subject; }



            _subject = value;




    private string _contents;

    public string Contents


        get { return _contents; }



            _contents = value;




    private Category _category;

    public Category Category


        get { return _category; }



            _category = value;




    public Email()



    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private void OnPropertyChanged(string info)


        PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;

        if (handler != null)


            handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));




Here's the email setter inside UserControl that parents the textbox:

 private Email _email;

    public Email Email


        get { return _email; }



            _email = value;

            if (_email != null)


                Binding myBinding = new Binding("Subject");

                myBinding.Source = _email;

                tbSubject.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, myBinding);




tbSubject is never getting set to anything, its always empty even if email passed is not null and has a subject! If I do just this:

public Email Email


        get { return _email; }



            _email = value;

            if (_email != null)


                tbSubject.Text = _email.Subject;




it works fine. I dont understand what I am doing wrong.

Updated on 24-Sep-2013
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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